
If you thought that Africa was the “hopeless continent” think again. Since 2005, the continent has outpaced world growth since the start of the last commodity boom and is expected to grow faster than any regional country in the world.

Are you taking advantage of the continent’s vast naturally resources, substantial debt relief, improved economic management and increased private capital flows?

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In recent news, security guards are being fired from their security roles by companies who have just realized the ineffectiveness of the guards.

Most companies and organisations have a misconception that if anything gets lost in their premises, they should hire more guards.

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Travel security management can be complicated if one is not entirely prepared and equipped while doing business in Africa. There are a number of procedures and risks to be considered by companies in order for them fulfil their duty of care obligations to their employees.

More than two-thirds of travel managers that participated in a travel manager survey said that they are dissatisfied with the way that companies address the impact of business travel on their employees. They participating travel managers told Business Travel News that, “frequent business travel has a positive impact on travellers’ personal health”, indicating that this affects the employees’ willingness to stay with their company or firm.

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Acquire world class Security Management solutions

Security Management involves a philosophy and practical applications of techniques to protect your corporate assets from loss.

There are four corporate assets that require protection and these are: Read more